Wedding Mapper
Pick a Website, any Website
We all know that first impressions matter. And we also know that every couple wants their wedding to be unique. It is with these givens in mind that we understand the interest in wedding websites being offered to, and selected by, couples in the wedding space. Wedding websites are often the first displayed material for guests to view and to get an impression of the formality of the weekend, and are therefore chosen by couples with discernment.
Many websites vie for couples to use their site to display their wedding story, the wedding details, and post their wedding registry. How the couple then selects which site to use is an algorithm few can comprehend but it seems to be some relationship among the following variables: knowledge (couples will select from a website provider that they know or have heard of), design (couples want to select a design that will be unique and represent their personalities or the aesthetic of the wedding event), and price (in this economy especially, couples seek bang-for-their-buck).
For a long time used to hold the reins in the wedding industry. Appealing to the first factor in the decision process (knowledge), is able to capitalize on its brand name to solicit many couples to use their wedding websites out of the valuable benefit of name recognition. However the times, they are a changin’, and many other websites now compete to have couples use their products. In addition to, couples can now choose from,, and, new to the wedding website scene is Within the last month has launched its wedding websites and offers more than a hundred designs, appealing to the desired “unique” factor that couples demand.’s new websites are synced with couples’ wedding map so that the map is integrated into the website; and in addition to being able to see where the Ceremony or Reception is, guests can, with a click of a button, get directions to or from there to other events or locations on the map!
Appealing to the last factor, (money- honey)’s websites are also free and can be used in tandem with the other free tools their website provides.,, and also offer free wedding websites for couples, while charges $11-$159 for use of one of their web designs, but they also offer 536 designs!
So brides and grooms, pick a website, any website, but first do some research on the best site for you and your event.